The Hidden Dangers of Copper IUDs

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You might be thinking like most of us women, “I can just avoid hormone imbalance by avoiding hormones right”? Well… not exactly.

 Unfortunately, just because this contraceptive method is “hormone-free” does not mean it cannot disrupt hormones or is somehow “symptom-free”.


Copper IUDs work by releasing a small but significant amount of copper into the uterus, which eventually gets into the bloodstream and can raise some health concerns.

We get copper from food, water, and dishware, and how much we absorb and excrete can be influenced by your body’s ability to detox. Excess copper in the body can cause mental and behavioral problems like anxiety, irritability, ADD, depression, migraines, and mood swings.


High levels of copper in the body:

-       Destroys vitamin C

-       Can deplete zinc

-       Can deplete iron

-       Can alter B-vitamin metabolism

And that’s not all.


Copper and estrogen have a symbiotic relationship. The more copper in your body, the more estrogen will be produced. The higher your estrogen levels, the more copper will be absorbed from food and water.


Chronically high estrogen can cause things like:

-       Bloating + puffiness

-       Mood swings

-       Heavy, painful periods

-       Difficulty losing weight

-       Decreased sex drive

-       Fibrocystic lumps in your breasts


Besides elevated copper levels in the blood, there are many other reasons for having increased estrogen and there are some things you can do about it.

 Some other factors that contribute to increased estrogen include absorption of chemicals and xenoestrogens, man-made products that mimic estrogen in the body and are absorbed through your skin.


The more common places you will find xenoestrogens are in:

-       Most pesticides and herbicides

-       Hormones added to factory farmed meats

-       Plastic containers

-       Receipt paper

-       Fragrances

-       Triclosan (toothpaste, mouthwash, hand soaps)

By avoiding plastics, choosing natural products, swapping fragrances out for essential oils, and buying grass-fed meats, you can effectively lower your xenoestrogen absorption and therefore, lowering unhealthy levels of estrogen in your blood.

It never hurts to adopt a more non-toxic lifestyle in the home and with your personal care products. You can check your products’ level of toxicity on the EWG’s website.


I would love to hear your experience with the copper IUD! Comment or tag me on Instagram or in your posts @iamleslienorth, as I hope to continue building our community of natural women and the constant search for the most holistic way of living.

And as always, happy eating!

Talk to your doctor if you feel like any of these symptoms apply to you as none of this should be taken as medical advice.*


The Fertility Awareness Method


Hormonal Contraception + Mental Health